Oh, this darling little one! What a joy to see her grow!
Alicia, Kyler and their adorable babe and I continued on our tradition of adventure photography for this session. We started this tradition with hiking through Indian Lake state park on a blustery fall day for maternity photos! This time around we did a bit of muddy hiking at Lake Farm Park to get to the prettiest parts.
Kyler brought along this beautiful chair from work, it was just perfect for these 6 month milestone photos.
I just can’t get enough of this girl’s baby rolls. They are too perfect!
This girl was working so hard on her teeth, and she did beautifully! And so did her parents, boy those teething stages are not easy. And peek-a-boo with her little blanket had to be one of the cutest things I’ve seen.
Watching her snuggle in and give baby kisses was just precious. What fun it is to see how much she’s grown since those very first newborn days!

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